Collecting and editing oral feminine poetry in the Maghrebi context: problems and issues

Il-Ħamis 17 ta’ Mejju, fis-6.00pm, il-Prof. Mourad Yelles mill-INALCO ta’ Pariġi se jagħmel taħdita bl-Ingliż dwar “Collecting and editing oral feminine poetry in the Maghrebi context: problems and issues” fil-Librerija tal-Fakultà tal-Arti, L-Università ta’ Malta, Tal-Qroqq, bħala parti mill-proġett dwar It-Tradizzjoni Orali mmexxi mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti tal-Università.

Ritratti ta’ Adrian Grima

Il-Prof. Yelles se jitkellem dwar il-problemi li jiffaċċjaw ir-riċerkaturi meta jaħdmu fuq il-produzzjonijiet letterarji tat-tradizzjonijiet orali. Dawn il-problemi jistgħu jkunu kemm tekniċi u epistemoloġiċi, kif ukoll ideoloġiċi u politiċi. Fil-kuntest tat-tradizzjoni poetika tal-Magreb, ir-repertorji tan-nisa għandhom sehem kbir fil-memorja kulturali ta’ dan ir-reġjun kbir. Fit-taħdita tiegħu, il-Prof. Yelles se jipprova jixħet dawl fuq l-isfidi teoretiċi u prattiċi tar-riċerka fit-tul li ssir man-nies.


Il-Prof. Yelles speċjalizza fil-letteratura komparata u r-riċerka tiegħu tiffoka fuq l-influwenzi ta’ letteraturi differenti fuq xulxin, il-kitbiet u t-tradizzjonijiet orali tal-Magreb, u fuq iċ-ċinema, il-mużika, u l-immaġinarji postkolonjali. Il-Prof. Yelles studja fl-Universitajiet tal-Algier, Londra (SOAS) u s-Sorbonne (Paris 3). Kemm-il darba għamel taħditiet akkademiċi organizzati mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti fl-Università ta’ Malta, fosthom l-ewwel taħdita mis-sensiela dwar It-Tradizzjoni Orali li saret f’Mejju tal-2016.

Collecting and editing oral feminine poetry

On Thursday 17 May 2018 at 6.00pm, Prof. Mourad Yelles from INALCO in Paris will give a talk on “Collecting and editing oral feminine poetry in the Maghrebi context: problems and issues” in the Faculty of Arts Library of the University of Malta in Tal-Qroqq, as part of the Oral Traditions project of the Department of Maltese.


Research on traditional oral literary productions poses a number of problems that can affect one’s scientific work. These problems can be technical and epistemological, ideological and political. In the context of the Maghrebi poetic tradition, the repertoires of women represent a significant part of the cultural memory of this vast geographical area. In his talk, Prof. Mourad Yelles will try to highlight the theoretical and practical challenges of longterm research on the ground.

Mourad Yelles is professor of Maghrebi literature at the Paris based INALCO (Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales). A scholar of Maghrebi literatures in both francophone and arabophone North Africa, he also probes francophone American and Caribbean literary productions, focusing on comparative studies of these oral and written literatures.


Prof. Yelles studied at the Universities of Algiers, London (SOAS) and the Sorbonne (Paris 3). He is the head of the research team on Langues et Cultures du Nord de l’Afrique et Diasporas (LACNAD). His estensive work on female oral poetry in Algeria now extends to the Maghreb in general. Prof. Yelles has given various lectures hosted by the Department of Maltese and carries out research together with members of the Department. In May 2016 he gave the first public lecture in the series on It-Tradizzjoni Orali about “Some Main Issues on Oral Tradition.”