Strumenti Marbutin ma’ Ritwali u t-Tkeċċija tal-Ħażen

Nhar it-Tlieta 28 ta’ Jannar 2020, fis-6.00pm, Dr Anna Borg Cardona se tagħmel taħdita pubblika dwar “Strumenti Marbutin ma’ Ritwali u t-Tkeċċija tal-Ħażen” fil-Librerija tal-Fakultà tal-Arti tal-Università ta’ Malta, Tal-Qroqq.

1.Qanpiena 1625 (1)
Ritratt tal-qanpiena ta’ George Scintilla

Din it-taħdita hija parti mis-sensiela fuq It-Tradizzjoni Orali organizzata mid-Dipartiment tal-Malti tal-Università u hija miftuħa għal kulħadd. Dan il-proġett qed isir bl-għajnuna tal-Fond ta’ Riċerka tal-Università u l-Klabb Kotba Maltin.

L-istrumenti mużikali bikrin ma nħolqux għat-ton sabiħ tagħhom, jew għall-pjaċir, iżda kienu hemm għax kellhom funzjoni x’jaqdu.

2. Cuqlajta (1)
Ritratt taċ-ċuqlajta ta’ George Scintilla

Fit-taħdita tagħha, Dr Anna Borg Cardona se titkellem fuq strumenti bażiċi li jmorru lura sew fiż-żmien, u li għandhom l-ikbar rabta ma’ ritwali u mat-tkeċċija tal-ħażen. Dawn ir-ritwali spiss insibuhom marbutin mal-biżgħat li kellu l-bniedem fl-għajxien ta’ kuljum u fl-eżistenza tiegħu. Għaldaqstant, huma assoċjati mal-ħajja agrikola, mal-istaġuni, u maċ-ċiklu tal-ħajja tal-bniedem u tal-bhejjem tiegħu.


It-taħdita se turi kif il-familja, l-art u l-bhejjem kienu jitqiesu l-aktar għeżież għall-bniedem u għalhekk kienu l-iżjed li jeħtieġu dik il-protezzjoni li tbegħidhom mill-għawġ, mill-għajn, u minn kull tip ta’ periklu u ħażen.

ritratt ABC (1)

Dr Anna Borg Cardona kisbet Baċellerat fl-Arti fl-Ingliż u l-Franciż mill-Università ta’ Malta, u diplomi fid-daqq u t-tagħlim tal-mużika minn Trinity College ta’ Londra, Fellowship mil-London College of Music, u Ph.D fil-mużika mill-Università ta’ Southampton.

Dr Borg Cardona, tgħallem part-time fl-Institute of Maltese Studies tal-Università ta’ Malta. Minbarra li ppubblikat diversi artikli f’ġurnali u rivisti Maltin u barranin, kitbet tliet kotba fuq il-mużika u l-istrumenti ta’ Malta. Artikli tagħha dehru f’The Grove Dictionary of Musical Instruments.

Anna Borg Cardona waqqfet il-grupp Ġukulari Ensemble b’repertorju ta’ mużika ta’ Malta irriċerkata minnha u d-daqq ta’ strumenti Maltin. Kienet il-kuratriċi tal-wirja mtellgħa fl-2019 mill-Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti, Music in Malta from Prehistory to Vinyl.

Ara wkoll:


A Public Talk on Musical Instruments connected with Ritual and the Expulsion of Evil

On Tuesday 28 January 2020 at 6.00pm, Dr Anna Borg Cardona will give a public talk in Maltese on “Musical Instruments connected with Ritual and the Expulsion of Evil” in the Faculty of Arts Library of the University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq.

This talk is part of the Oral Traditions project of the Department of Maltese in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Malta, which is supported by the Research Fund of the University and Klabb Kotba Maltin.

Rabbaba Frenc. 1995
Picture of the “rabbaba” by Anna Borg Cardona

Early musical instruments were not created for their beautiful tone, but rather for their essential function within ritualised human behaviour. These rituals were often associated with people’s innate fears of the unknown or hopes connected with their daily existence. Agricultural life, the seasons of the year and the cycle of life of individuals, their family, crops and livestock were their only aspirations. Many instruments were therefore accredited with magical powers of banishing danger and evil from people and their surroundings, and everything that they felt was most essential to their survival.

In this presentation Dr Anna Borg Cardona will be looking at a few of the musical instruments that have, or once had, such magical or ritual functions.

The speaker has ħad a lifelong passion for music and art. She graduated with a B.A.  in English and French from the University of Malta in 1978 and received an associate diploma in music teaching and Licentiate diploma in piano performing from Trinity College, London, in 1980. Dr Anna Borg Cardona studied Musicology at the University of Malta (1995-1997) and was awarded a Fellowship by the London College of Music for Professional Achievement in the field of musicology and organology (F.L.C.M., 2012). She obtained her Ph.D in Music from the University of Southampton in 2018.

ritratt ABC (1)Dr Borg Cardona is the author of three books and several articles in Maltese and foreign journals. She is currently carrying out research on Maltese musical instruments, music, and traditional song and dance. She guest curated the exhibition ‘Whistles from Ritual to Toys’ (2009) and contributed to the setting up of the Maltese section at the Musical Instrument Museum (MIM) in Arizona. In 2019 she guest curated Fondazzjoni Patrimonju Malti’s exhibition ’Music in Malta – from Prehistory to Vinyl’. Anna Borg Cardona is the founder of Gukulari Ensemble, that has given performances in Malta, Budapest, Vienna, Bologna, Portugal, and Spain. 

Visit also:


Oral Literature in the Contemporary Mediterranean

Il-Ġimgħa 31 ta’ Jannar 2020, fis-6.00pm, Dr Óscar Abenójar Sanjuán, “Oral Literature in the Contemporary Mediterranean. Old Genres into New Wineskins.” fil-Librerija tal-Fakultà tal-Arti tal-Università ta’ Malta, Tal-Qroqq.

Ritratt meħud minn Dr Óscar Abenójar Sanjuán


Dr Óscar Abenójar għandu dottorat fil-letteratura komparata u speċjalizza fin-Narrattiva u l-Etnografija Orali.  Abenójar jgħallem il-Letteratura Ispanika fl-Università tal-Istudji Barranin ta’ Hankuk (Seoul, ir-Repubblika tal-Korea) u għandu bosta pubblikazzjonijiet marbuta mal-qasam tat-tradizzjoni orali, fosthom: Cuentos populares de la Cabilia (2014); La hermosa Ilona: antología de baladas populares húngaras (2014); La princesa cautiva y el pájaro del viento: mitos y cuentos del norte de Argelia (2015), u La grandas de oro y otros cuentos tradicionales del oasis del Mzab (Argelia) (2016).

Dr Óscar Abenójar Sanjuán ma’ wieħed mill-informanti tiegħu

On Friday, 31 January 2020, at 6.00pm, Dr Óscar Abenójar Sanjuán will be giving a public talk in English on “Oral Literature in the Contemporary Mediterranean. Old Genres into New Wineskins.” in the Faculty of Arts Library of the University of Malta, Tal-Qroqq.

This talk is part of the Oral Traditions project of the Department of Maltese in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Malta, which is supported by the Research Fund of the University and Klabb Kotba Maltin.

Several old narratives, songs, rituals, riddles, and superstitions have survived in the Mediterranean region from antiquity until today. Nevertheless, the ways of transmission are no longer the same. This talk will give some examples of the transformations occurring nowadays in the field of oral literature.

Dr Óscar Abenójar Sanjuán with one of his informants

Óscar Abenójar has a PhD in Comparative Literature and he has specialized in Oral Narrative and Ethnography. At present he teaches Hispanic Literature at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, Republic of Korea. He is the author or co-author, amongst others, of several studies about oral traditions in North Africa: Cuentos populares de la Cabilia (2014); La hermosa Ilona: antología de baladas populares húngaras (2014); La princesa cautiva y el pájaro del viento: mitos y cuentos del norte de Argelia (2015), and La grandas de oro y otros cuentos tradicionales del oasis del Mzab (Argelia) (2016). 

In June 2019, Dr Óscar Abenójar Sanjuán gave a video talk on Techniques and Methods for Collecting Oral Tradition to researchers as part of the Oral Traditions project. This is his first visit to Malta.